Tuesday, 25 March 2014

How To Hide Your Files in image

To hide your files in image you must know some of commands of am windows command prompt and you must have a WinRAR.
lets see how to do.

Step 1. Copy all your files (that you want to hide) in to an specific folder any where in your computer.
             (I recommend you C:\Safe

Step 2. Now compress all file using WinRAR(.rar extension) (i.e with winrar e.g. Safe.rar) and this
             Safe.rar file should be available in C:\Safe directory.

Step 3. Now it’s time to select an image with extension .jpg/.jpeg (e.g xyz.jpg) (to copy your file Safe.rar
             copy selected image in the same directory C:\Safe.

Step 4. Open Command Prompt (Press win key+ R -> type “cmd” press Enter

Step 5. Now type on Command Prompt “cd c:\Safe” and Press Enter

Step 6. Now you have to copy your data file (Safe.rar) into selected image (xyz.jpg)
             Type “copy /b xyz.jpg + Safe.rar output.jpg

          Therefore safe.rar is hidden in output.jpg.
           if you want to view image( i.e xyz.jpg) then you can open the output.jpeg in image viewer and if you 
           want to open Safe.rar then you can open it with WinRAR archive.

If WinRAR archiver is not available on prompt Browse WinRAR in program files folder.
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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Text to Speech Software

The text to Speech software allow you to convert text into Audio (.wav) file.you
have to simply wight text or copy the  into application text box and output will be
there when you click on speak button or save  speech button.
                No need to install on you PC, just click and use the application.
you can download text to speech with two extension (.exe and .jar) with you own
Click to Download text to speech (for .exe extension ) Click Here
Click to Download more free software's Download More Free

How to Change icon of your Removable Drive

Step 1.
                Firstly i would like to suggest you to format your PAN Drive
                because may be your removable drive already have an autorun.inf file
                which will not display and it will not allow you to create new one with the same name.

                RIGHT CLICK ON Removable Drive and choose FORMAT option
                then click on STAR button, Press OK at last.

Step 2.
                Choose a icons with .ico extension file that you want to display in your Removable Drive.
Step 3.
                Create an “autorun.inf” file using notepad and entering text
                Label=Name of Disk

Step 4.
                Copy both files (autorun.inf and Ion file (.ico)) to your Removable Drive and make both
                file as hidden files to avoid accidentally delete the autorun file and icon.

Step 5.
                Unplug and Plug it back the removable drive. Then you will see a brand new icons and new name 
                that represent your removable drive.