Thursday, 13 March 2014

How to Change icon of your Removable Drive

Step 1.
                Firstly i would like to suggest you to format your PAN Drive
                because may be your removable drive already have an autorun.inf file
                which will not display and it will not allow you to create new one with the same name.

                RIGHT CLICK ON Removable Drive and choose FORMAT option
                then click on STAR button, Press OK at last.

Step 2.
                Choose a icons with .ico extension file that you want to display in your Removable Drive.
Step 3.
                Create an “autorun.inf” file using notepad and entering text
                Label=Name of Disk

Step 4.
                Copy both files (autorun.inf and Ion file (.ico)) to your Removable Drive and make both
                file as hidden files to avoid accidentally delete the autorun file and icon.

Step 5.
                Unplug and Plug it back the removable drive. Then you will see a brand new icons and new name 
                that represent your removable drive.

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